Keep a pulse on assistance, programs, and assessments with case management
CharityTracker will help your Housing & Shelter organization with bed management, case management and assessments.
Create a stronger safety net for people in crisis with a responsive service delivery that allows you to make informed decisions with improved cooperation and data-driven collaboration.
Over 10 million records of aid and 3.5 million cases are already being tracked by CharityTracker. CharityTracker can help Housing & Shelter organizations cut down on duplication of services by an average of 20%.
CharityTracker will help your Housing & Shelter organization with bed management, case management and assessments.
Track programs and assistance that move individuals from crisis to self-sustainability. Get insight into who has been helped and how much assistance has been provided to know exactly how to assess the needs of your clients.
Time matters. Instantly connect with agencies within your network to assess assistance, track programs, or refer clients to ensure that your clients receive the care and attention they need during this challenging time.
CharityTracker giving us the ability to run reports, for individual agencies or for the entire CoC has been vital,” explained one CharityTracker trainer, PJ B. “We are an agency who serve both the vulnerable and homeless in our community and we serve as the lead agency for homelessness for the county. The ability to view and cancel gives new users confidence to ‘look’ through the system. For folks that only have to input new and/or update data, the users feel confident because the software is not written in ‘computerese’!”
Secure & Web-based
Simple to Start
Volume Pricing Available
Meet with one of our team members to discuss pricing and see how CharityTracker can best fit your needs.
CharityTracker giving us the ability to run reports, for individual agencies or for the entire CoC has been vital. We are an agency who serve both the vulnerable and homeless in our community and we serve as the lead agency for homelessness for the county. The ability to view and cancel gives new users confidence to ‘look’ through the system. For folks that only have to input new and/or update data, the users feel confident because the software is not written in ‘computerese’!
Start effectively tracking, measuring, and reporting your efforts in minutes. Gain the visibility you deserve and keep an eye on your organization to help your clients from anywhere.
The software is so user-friendly that I have cut my paperwork time in half, at least! The networking with other agencies has definitely enabled us to ensure we do not duplicate services and helped increase capacity. The reporting feature is customizable and extremely professional looking. I do not have to create my own for board meetings, etc.”
The software is so user-friendly that I have cut my paperwork time in half, at least! The networking with other agencies has definitely enabled us to ensure we do not duplicate services and helped increase capacity. The reporting feature is customizable and extremely professional looking. I do not have to create my own for board meetings, etc.”